International Tax Journal

Asset Management in IFSC – Overview of activities and regulatory regime

CA Tushar Sachade

CA Nehal Sampat

CA Akshay Ganatra
A. BACKDROP International Financial Services Centre (‘IFSC’) is an important initiative of the Government of India to promote the development and growth of cross border financial services in India. It is akin to the “Make in India” initiative, albeit for financial services. To encourage the growth of the Asset Management industry in IFSC, the International Financial Services Centres Authority (‘IFSCA’) introduced a comprehensive regulatory framework for Asset Managers in April 2022 by notifying the International Financial Services Centres Authority (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022 (‘IFSCA FM Regulations’). The article seeks to highlight and discuss some of the key aspects and issues with respect to the regulatory framework. B. SYNOPSIS The regulatory f.......