International Tax Journal

From the President

Ketan Vajani
Dear Readers, I hope and pray that each one of you are in the best of the health and have welcomed the new financial year, which is very relevant for all the people in the field of finance, with greater enthusiasm, greater positivity and greater prosperity at heart. The world is witnessing a declared war after many decades and the impact is certainly huge. The worst part of the story is that the war is getting prolonged beyond the normal expectation. Whenever some ray of hope is seen that this will end now, some new developments do take place and we move few steps backwards from the path of peace and prosperity. Let’s hope that good senses on all the sides prevail soon and we see the end of the tunnel in next few days. The pandemic Covid has again started disturbing some part of the world in greater way. China, the country of origin, is facing one of worst phases of life and it appears that the story is getting repeated with greater force this time. If media re.......