From the President

Hinesh R. Doshi
My Dear Members,
This will be my last communication. In my first communication, I had mentioned of the four Pillars of Chamber namely: programs, membership, visibility, team and vision. We have tried to focus and grow on all 4 pillars. This year has been a journey filled with joy and a road leading The Chamber as an institution towards achieving even higher heights and touching newer horizons.
Swami Vivekananda has said that “A Nation is advanced in proportion to the education and intelligence spread among the masses”.
Learning is imbibed in the core culture, here at The Chamber. Not only in the regular programmes bearing technical enrichment, The Chamber is adorned with being a coach of intangibles; in terms of team-work, micro and macro management and the power of collaborative thinking. The Chamber plans to become Gateway to nurture future growth by imparting training, education and skill- development.
…GROWTH IS.......